Integration of Human Factors in Surgery:
Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Design, Development, and Evaluation of Surgical Technologies
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Date and time: 27th April 2022, 13:00-17:00 UTC. To convert the workshop time to your local time, check here


For more details please download this pdf document.

Research in surgical intervention and technology development is increasingly interdisciplinary. Despite the great potential of working in this way, recent research suggests that interdisciplinary collaborations and competing stakeholder interests can be challenging to initiate and manage, with the result that knowledge and expertise from different fields are not always well integrated.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together stakeholders from HCI, Human factors, surgical science, and surgical practice and technology to investigate the potential of interdisciplinary collaboration, specifically identifying actionable strategies to coordinate and improve efforts towards designing, developing, evaluating, and iterating on the next generation of surgical solutions.

The workshop will address current limitations in interdisciplinary collaboration, and identify opportunities for surgical technology stakeholders to make contributions across the entire development life cycle. In the longer term, the workshop will contribute towards the development of a pragmatic collaboration framework encompassing diverse research paradigms, compatible with surgical practice, and supportive of longitudinal evaluation.

With this workshop, we have our keynote speakers:

Hani Marcus

Keynote speaker

Dr Talya Porat

Keynote speaker

Important dates

Continue updating...

  • 1 Jan 2022

    Call for participation

    This workshop intends to work towards more integrated collaboration among the various disciplines of surgical stakeholders in this research: including Human-Computer Interaction, Human Factor researchers and practitioners, Surgical practitioners, and Surgical technologists. (full cfp)

  • 7 March 2022

    Submission deadline

    Submissions to this workshop will take the form of position papers (4 to 8 pages, in ACM CHI Publication Formats), and via Please use the title “chi2022-workshop-Your PaperTitle” when submiting. These submissions are expected to address at least one of the key topic(s) of this workshop and must present original material. They should also include a statement on the potential goals of their research and the problems it aims to address. Ultimately, the length is based on the weight of the contribution. Shorter, more focused papers are highly encouraged.

  • 18 March 2022


    The position papers will be divided for review among the workshop organisers and invited reviewers. Reviews will be based on quality and relevance to the themes of the workshop. Successful submissions will be invited to the workshop.

  • 27 April 2022

    Workshop is on!

    The workshop time is from 13:00 to 17:00 UTC. To convert the workshop time to your local time, check here. It is the morning for zone 8-5 (Canada, US etc.), early afternoon for zone 0-2 (most of the European countries etc.), and evening for time-zone 6-10 (east, south Aria countries etc.)

  • Be Part
    Of Our

Workshop Organisers

In alphabetic order.

Roman Bednarik

University of Eastern Finland

Ann Blandford

University College London

Feng Feng

University of Eastern Finland

Antti Huotarinen

Kuopio University Hospital

Matti Iso-Mustajärivi

Kuopio University Hospital

Ahreum Lee

University of Eastern Finland

Federico Nicolosi


Jeremy Opie

University College London

Soojeong Yoo

University College London

Bin Zheng

University of Alberta

To know more about the workshop and us, feel free to contact! Looking forward to meet you.

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If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact